Mama Bear Mode

Whew it's been another crazy week. I had some very upsetting news over the weekend that threw my family for a whirlwind and put us in a tight financial situation. I've actually been working for this start up company for a few weeks now. Last week the actual owner decided to go on a drinking binge for 5 days leaving the VP and me cleaning up the mess. Making sure contractors were paid for jobs and trying to keep the company afloat. I got a call from the VP Saturday letting me know that she tried to log into the company bank account and noticed it's been closed down. Turns out the owner who we checked in on Monday because we couldn't get in contact with was passed out drunk and unresponsive on a blowup mattress in our new office we haven't moved into yet, closed out all the banking accounts and hauled tail. I'm not bitter about this...correction I'm not bitter I'm madder than a puffed toad. I contacted him right after I was informed and let him know that I still need to be paid for the last two weeks working for the company. He's since moved the company to Southeast Florida and wanted all his company documents and computers Monday. I'll keep y'all updated on this hot mess express. I haven't had luck for the past two jobs I've had since giving birth to my kiddo. The one before this was for a water, mold and rebuild company that I noticed were doing insurance fraud.
 You're dern tootin I quit because I refused to have my character called into judgement.

I'm trying to keep a positive outlook as I job hunt. I've been taking Ethan and the dogs for daily walks. I actually had a family come over this weekend to introduce their daughter to reptiles. They spent a good hour passing around our snakes and geckos. Asking questions and realizing that there's nothing to be scared of. Figuring out the difference from a poisonous and non poisonous snake. The common snakes in Florida. Also, Annabelle our German Shepherd decided their daughter was now her kid. It's freaky how good this dog is with kids. I remember when we took her out for ice cream and there was an older kid with down-syndrome. She was so calm and allowed him to love on her. We could barely get her to leave his side to go home.

So while I'm jobless I've been taking Ethan on adventures. One of them was to an exotic pet store during big snake feeding tome. Look how pretty.

Teaching him new things.

Overall enjoying our time together while I job hunt. 

I did have a mama bear moment and rightfully so. Ethan's grandparents asked to taken him one night so that they could go to the Zoo with him the following morning. They were debuting the tiger cubs. Only an hour later to tell me no because the other grandchild didn't want Ethan to go with. They wanted a day only about them. This isn't a problem right now because Ethan's only 5 months old, but I look at the future. What if he was three and this happened? I would have to console my child and explain to him what happened. If you don't believe kids can pick up when someone shows favoritism then you're truly in denial. My husband of course thinks i'm overreacting but now that I have a child I look at the future. I never want him to be hurt by the actions of others....yeah I know it will happen, but if I can protect from being hurt by his own family...I will. I want him to grow up and be a respectful person. He better not EVER...refuse someone to go with the family because he wants an "Ethan only" day. That WILL NOT FLY! I look at my childhood and some of my fondest memories were with my cousins. 

Since i'm jobless (yes I've been beating myself up about it) I've started working on the house. I mean really working on the house. I cannot tell you how many donations I've made to Quigley house and Goodwill. I've been meaning to clear our home of un-necessary things. So far I've only made a dent in our living room. I'm still tossing stuff out of it to. Like that white ladder...yeah it's going bye bye till Christmas. Next it will be our master bedroom, kitchen, dining room. Thankfully Ethan's bedroom is pretty much bare. I've been trying to get our family on the minimalist train, but I have a problem riding it myself. I want our home to be calming and clean. That way I spend less time cleaning and more time making memories with my family. Growing up both my parents were hoarders...and their parents were hoarders. I understand it's a condition and I never understood it until now. When I was younger I didn't understand why nobody was allowed over to the house...I actually held a grudge about that growing up. I don't want Ethan to do the same. Don't get me wrong our house is for the most part clean, but it use to not be so. 

My question is for you parents. Have you ever had to go mama/papa bear mode on family members?


  1. I understand your predicament, but once this happened my kid went up and questioned the grandparents herself. It made them think and it never has been an issue since.


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